Monday, October 13, 2008

c'mon..."at it's best?" really?


this is one of those shots that will forever haunt me because i didn't go inside. the best i can picture is a greasy looking asian guy in one of those paper hats and a stained apron with a big ladle saying "you want another?" over and over as he splats pork lo mein or mandarin combination into a styrofoam box. and with each deposit of food, his thin very stressed wife in a kimono that looks more like a costume than something she's actually comfortable wearing watches with an eagle's eyes and rapidly punches in numbers on an old electric cash register. and the buzzing sound of the register typing bright blue letters on receipt paper as it spins on that little wheel is in a perfect rhythm with the soggy thuds of more and more food piling into the box. and you realise that this wonderful cacophony has fallen in tune with the beating of your heart. it is the song of your very life. it's the chorus of your money leaving and your health declining with each spoonful, but you can't quit now, it's too good of a deal! you'll never find chinese food at these prices again! the idea of stopping and missing out on such a great bargain is simply too much to bear and so you sit and you watch and box grows heavier and heavier in your hands and the receipt paper is now cascading over the edge of counter and lowering itself to the floor, but still you don't stop, you can never stop, because dear god, it's only 1.25 per scoop!

1 comment:

Kevin Wilder said...

ha.. good lord.

(apology.. i went to church at red mountain and then completely forgot to call you guys back). did you go shooting? if not yet, still call or text me up when you do.
